My service offering extends to advising on general commercial legal matters, drafting, assisting on, reviewing, and negotiating most forms of contracts including:
- Confidentiality agreements/non-disclosure agreements
- Purchase orders
- Sale and purchase agreements
- Engineering/construction contracts including bespoke forms of contracts and consultancy agreements, JCT and NEC contracts, collateral warranties, third-party rights, novation agreements, etc.
- Providing professional training to teams in relation to complying with the conditions of contract and other obligations
- Certifying documents and verifying IDs; and
- Drafting straightforward debt recovery letters
- Tenancy agreements
- Other commercial contracts
I do not provide the following reserved legal services:
I do not hold client money and therefore I do not provide any services that involve holding client money or checking anti-money laundering regulations.
- Conveyancing services involving selling and buying property
- Litigation; advice on a dispute, including representing you in court
- Business and share sale where holding client money is involved.
- Asylum seekers’ immigration applications.
- Children law (both private and public law).
- Probate activities
- Notarial activities
- Administration of oaths
- Any other contentious or high-risk reserved legal services.